Advancing racial equity through the power of collective action

When Equal Measure, a leader in evaluation and collective impact, called us-- they were embarking on a journey of change, and they were at a crossroads. Through intensive workshops and facilitated conversations, The Collective Good challenged assumptions, dismantled outdated frameworks, and co-created a roadmap for the future.

Girls running in field
“They knew good leadership required a movement, not a mandate.”

The Challenge

It was 2021 at Equal Measure, and a new leader had inherited a team grappling with uncertainty. Their vision felt blurry, and their mission needed momentum and team buy-in. They also needed a roadmap to greater impact.

They challenged The Collective Good to help them reimagine who they were as an organization and how to achieve their objectives. It wouldn't be a quick fix, but we were ready to roll up our sleeves and dive in.

The Approach

We weren't going to turn things around overnight. After a year of collaboration, Equal Measure was ready to step into its next era.

This wasn't a top-down thing. We know after doing this work for over 15 years, change won’t work without organizational buy-in. We made sure a small group of people from all across Equal Measure helped build the plan so everyone felt invested and excited about making it work.

We conducted extensive research, engaging staff, board members, partners, and peers in open dialogue. We explored their projects, dug deep into who they worked with and how, and listened to everyone's ideas and concerns.

We also mapped out their key partnerships. This helped us understand their impact on different communities and what made them truly special. By the end, our team had a crystal-clear picture of what Equal Measure did, who they worked with, and what everyone had to say.

From this process, Future Caucus gained a clearer focus on building a constituency for inclusive governing and amplifying new narratives.

The Results

Through intensive workshops and facilitated conversations, The Collective Good challenged assumptions, dismantled outdated frameworks, and co-created a roadmap for the future. We helped Equal Measure think hard about who they were, what they were meant to do, and how they could make the greatest impact in achieving their vision: that race is no longer a predictor of one's life outcomes.

The result was a clearer mission and theory of change and a new way of leveraging their influence in the space as evaluators, conveners, and agents of social change.

From this process, Future Caucus gained a clearer focus on building a constituency for inclusive governing and amplifying new narratives.

Racial Equity at the Core

It wasn't just a box to tick; it became why they exist. Every partnership and project revolves around making systems more equitable. This allows Equal Measure to make big decisions with clarity; if the matter at hand doesn’t speak to their vision, they won’t be wasting resources on it.

The result was a clearer mission and theory of change and a new way of leveraging their influence in the space as evaluators, conveners, and agents of social change.

From this process, Future Caucus gained a clearer focus on building a constituency for inclusive governing and amplifying new narratives.

Finding their Winning Formula

The Collective Good helped Equal Measure realize its unique strength: blending its evaluation know-how with a sharp focus on racial equity. This powerful combination became their superpower, enabling them to join forces with others and reimagine systems that are currently perpetuating inequities.

The result was a clearer mission and theory of change and a new way of leveraging their influence in the space as evaluators, conveners, and agents of social change.

From this process, Future Caucus gained a clearer focus on building a constituency for inclusive governing and amplifying new narratives.

Prepared for Growth

We worked with Equal Measure to create a plan for growing in a healthy way. By looking closely at what they did best, we found new ways to partner with others and make even more of a difference. We knew a solid foundation was crucial for sustainable impact. So, we dug deeper than just partnerships. We identified key areas where staff needed to bolster their skills and become even more effective partners, facilitators, and changemakers.

Beyond talent development, The Collective Good also streamlined Equal Measure's internal processes, optimized business development and consulted on thought leadership content, and even revamped the team structure. This efficiency boost ensured they could handle growth without losing their laser focus on racial justice. The team is forging deeper connections, reaching more partners, and growing community engagement in ways that will change systems for good.

The result was a clearer mission and theory of change and a new way of leveraging their influence in the space as evaluators, conveners, and agents of social change.

From this process, Future Caucus gained a clearer focus on building a constituency for inclusive governing and amplifying new narratives.

“Their vision, mission, and strategy are now clear and united, guiding everyone - staff, board, and partners - toward racial equity.”

Could you see your story here? Let's do it!

If you are in the business of social impact, your work is urgent.
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